#Colomares Castle
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hopefulkidshark · 1 year ago
Colomares Castle, Benalmádena, Spain: Castillo de Colomares is a monument, in the form of a castle, dedicated to the life and adventures of Christopher Columbus. It was built near Benalmádena in Spain, between 1987 and 1994. Wikipedia
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years ago
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vestaignis · 7 months ago
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Коломарес – самый фантастический замок Испании.
Испанский замок Коломарес – недавняя постройка, которую возвели в честь пятисотлетия со дня открытия Америки. Причем, строительство, начавшееся в 1987 году, возглавил доктор медицины Эстебан Мартин, который, как это ни странно, не обладал специальным образованием. Вместе с несколькими помощниками, которым ранее приходилось заниматься только кирпичной кладкой, он соорудил замок за 7 лет и в ходе работы освоил все премудрости строительства, это уникальное сооружение, позволяет проследить путь знаменитого мореплавателя через Атл��нтический океан. Автор проэкта и его помощники запечатлели в камне «Санта Марию», «Пинту» и «Нинью» – три корабля, которые приняли участие в плавании Колумба. Результатом столь кропотливого труда стал большой ажурный замок, площадь которого составляет не менее 1,5 тыс. кв. м. На сегодняшний день он является наибольшим памятником Колумбу не только в Испании, но и во всем мире. Любопытно, что при создании замка кроме кирпича были использованы мрамор, камень, стекло и даже древесина, из которой выполнили ряд элементов декора.
Это строение стало великим шедевром архитектуры, в смешанном стиле: византийском, римском, готическом и мавританском. И подобное смешение не простое совпадение, оно символично, потому что рассказывает об этапах развития страны и о многообразии культур, некогда населявших ее народов. Доктор Эстебан Мартин гармонично объединил в своем грандиозном сооружении элементы трех основных культур Испании времен Средневековья: христианства, иудаизма и ислама. Красота этой изумительной достопримечательности испанского курорта на Средиземном море в городе Бенальмадена, привлекает на отдых множество путешественников из разных стран мира.
Кроме того, архитектор символически отобразил и другие события испанской истории. Например, «Фонтан влюбленных» посвящен королевской чете – Фердинанду Арагонскому и Изабелле Кастильской. Эти монархи после долгих раздумий одобрили планы Колумба по снаряжению морской экспедиции.Еще одной составляющей Кастильо де Коломарес в Испании является часовня Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, сооруженная в честь Св. Елизаветы Венгерской и числящаяся в Книге рекордов Гиннесса как наименьшая в мире церковь. Площадь этой капеллы составляет не более 2 кв. м, поэтому во время мессы в ней помещается только священник.
Colomares is the most fantastic castle in Spain.
The Spanish castle of Colomares is a recent construction, which was erected in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. Moreover, the construction, which began in 1987, was headed by the doctor of medicine Esteban Martin, who, oddly enough, did not have a special education. Together with several assistants, who had previously only had to deal with bricklaying, he built the castle in 7 years and during the work mastered all the intricacies of construction, this unique structure allows you to follow the path of the famous navigator across the Atlantic Ocean. The author of the project and his assistants captured in stone "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" - three ships that took part in Columbus's voyage. The result of such painstaking work was a large openwork castle, the area of ​​​​which is at least 1.5 thousand square meters. m. Today it is the largest monument to Columbus not only in Spain, but also in the whole world. It is curious that in addition to brick, marble, stone, glass and even wood were used to create the castle, from which a number of decorative elements were made.
This building has become a great masterpiece of architecture, in a mixed style: Byzantine, Roman, Gothic and Moorish. And such a mixture is not a simple coincidence, it is symbolic, because it tells about the stages of the country's development and the diversity of cultures that once inhabited its peoples. Doctor Esteban Martin harmoniously combined elements of the three main cultures of Spain during the Middle Ages in his grandiose structure: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The beauty of this amazing landmark of the Spanish resort on the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Benalmadena attracts many travelers from different countries of the world to rest.
In addition, the architect symbolically displayed other events in Spanish history. For example, the "Fountain of Lovers" is dedicated to the royal couple - Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. After much deliberation, these monarchs approved Columbus's plans to equip a sea expedition. Another component of the Castillo de Colomares in Spain is the chapel of Santa Isabel de Hungria in Colomares, built in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest church in the world. The area of ​​this chapel is no more than 2 square meters, so only the priest fits in it during mass.
Source: //kidpassage.com/activity/ispaniya/kosta-del-sol/zamok-kolomares?,/alandalus.ru/andalucia/provincia-malaga/benalmadena / castillo-monumento-colomares/,://balttur.spb.ru/countries/spain/ zamok-kolomares.html,/kuku.travel/country/ispaniya /dostoprimechatelnosti-ispaniya/kolomares-samyj-fantasticheskij-zamok-ispanii/,/portal.azertag.az/ru/node/20093, //www.tripadvisor . ru/Attraction_Review-g562812-d669392-Reviews-Castillo _ Monumento_Colomares-Benalmadena_Costa_del_ Sol_ Province_ of_ Malaga_Andaluci.html.
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Castle of Colomares, a majestic fortress located in the heart of Spain 🇪🇸 in the city of Benalmádena, which was built as a memorial to Christopher Columbus.
📷: @takemyhearteverywhere
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artbyanca · 1 year ago
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Cinderella from 2018. I still love how the castle turne out in this. It was based on the Colomares castle in Spain.
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angels-roses · 2 years ago
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Colomares Castle Spain
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primordialsoundmeditation · 2 years ago
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Colomares is the most fantastic castle in Spain
Old Things
Sandra L Evans
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steliosagapitos · 2 years ago
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Colomares Castle in Spain.
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paddymcgintysgoat · 11 months ago
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Castillo de Colomares is a monument, in the form of a castle, dedicated to the life and adventures of Christopher Columbus. It was built near Benalmádena in Spain, between 1987 and 1994. 
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addygray1 · 2 years ago
Explore the Mysterious Colomares Castle!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years ago
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moicabinetdecuriosites · 2 years ago
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Colomares Castle is a monument built for the glory and tribute of the figure of Christopher Columbus. Located in Benalmádena, in the province of Málaga and in the heart of Costa del Sol, in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, it offers a walk through the heroic deed of his journey to the new world. A path with all kinds of symbols that help the visitor understand the magnitude of the feat that culminated at the end of the 15th century. Moreover, the whole monument is in itself a strange anachronism, full of styles and strange beauty.
Through different materials, such as brick, concrete, natural stone, and wood, the monument tells the story of the discovery of the American continent in various scenes. Among them is a representation of the expedition’s three ships and an image of Saint Salvador in honour of San Salvador Island.
It presents a mixture of different architectural styles. These include neo-Byzantine, neo-Romanesque, neo-Gothic and neo-Mudejar. Thus, the three cultures that were found in Spain in the Middle Ages, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, are represented.
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angels-roses · 2 years ago
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Colomares Castle, Spain
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visitheworld · 3 years ago
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Castillo de Colomares / Spain (by Manuel Wolf).
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livesunique · 4 years ago
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Castillo de Colomares, Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain,
@ Manuelo Bo
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talonmom · 4 years ago
Re8 but its(badly drawn) overwatch characters
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